Are you ready to tee off? It's almost time for the 3rd Annual GFWC- WV Williamson Woman's Club Golf Open!
The Strategy-When, Where, Why.
The Annual Golf Open will be held on Saturday, August 24th at Twisted Gun Golf Course in Wharncliffe, WV. The day will get underway at 9:00 a.m. Teams will head out to golf while enjoying the amazing views at Twisted Gun.
Proceeds from this event benefit the Williamson Woman’s Club, a registered 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization, and will be used for community projects and the club college scholarship fund. Money raised during the 2018 Golf Open allowed the club to donate to the Williamson Fire Department fund to be used towards the purchase of swift-water rescue gear, provide supplies for safe-spot Halloween Trick or Treat events, provide monetary support to other groups in need, and many more projects.
The Golf Open committee is led by Williamson Woman’s Club member Leigh Ann Ray and her husband, Chuck Ray.
“We had done golf tournaments in the past for Save Our Strays, a local animal shelter, and they were very successful. We stopped doing the tournaments because of an economic downturn. Once the economic outlook brightened, Chuck thought it might be a good thing for the Woman’s Club to host,” says Leigh Ann Ray.
Chuck was correct. Each year the tournament continues to grow. Part of the attraction for many golfers is a chance to play golf “in the clouds”.
Williamson Woman’s Club President Chris Dotson says, “Twisted Gun is a beautiful course! It’s one of my favorite club events because we don’t have anything to decorate. The amazing views on the mountaintops can’t be matched. You really get the feeling you are playing in the clouds. Anyone that hasn’t made the trip to Twisted Gun, golfer or not, should visit the clubhouse and enjoy the breathtaking beauty.”
The Scorecard
You have a couple of options if you’d like to support this event.
For $250.00 you or your business can be a hole-sponsor. Your business name and/or logo will be printed on the sign and placed on the course.
Team registration is now open! The registration fee for a 4-person team is $200.00. Team members will receive one door prize ticket and lunch is included. Golfers have a chance to win prizes for the longest drive and closest to the pin. Teams will be awarded cash prizes for first, second, and third places. Additional door prize tickets will be sold during the day. On that note, the door prizes are always fantastic! Prizes won in the past include gift cards, garage equipment, golf bags/gear, and a yeti cooler!
If you’d like to register a team or be a hole sponsor, contact Leigh Ann or Chuck Ray at 606-794-3564. You can also visit the event page on Facebook, HERE.
Finally, we will leave you with a little advice from golf legend, Arnold Palmer. Palmer offers, “I have a tip that can take five strokes off anyone’s golf game: it’s called an eraser.”