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Can YOU Conquer the Wall?

For five years, the Conquer the Wall Endurance Challenge has offered runners a challenging, endurance-based run. In 2017, Tug Valley Road Runners Club President Alexis Batausa participated in an endurance challenge, and knew he wanted to bring something like that back to Mingo County. Since 2018, the Conquer the Wall Endurance Challenge has brought that experience to runners in and around the region.

Friends and Family from Around the Country

The Conquer the Wall Endurance Challenge is available as a 47-hour or 35-hour run along a flat, paved, 2-mile loop. Participants also have the option of running with a 2 or 3 person relay team. Alexis describes the event as a “fun filled family reunion weekend with your closest friends and family from around the country!”

Through the years, the event has continued to offer the hospitality Southern West Virginia is known for alongside a thrilling challenge. For Alexis, the best part of the Conquer the Wall Challenge is seeing people come from all over to come together for the event. He says, “We are doing something that draws the participants into our region and our community, and we are very excited about it!”

The 5th Annual Conquer the Wall Endurance Challenge will start March 11 at 7:00pm in West Williamson. To learn more, visit the Facebook page or the event page.

Ready to sign up? Here’s the online registration link:

Photos from TVRRC Event Page

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