Albert Einstein once said about filing taxes, “This is too difficult for a mathematician. It takes a philosopher.” If you agree, don’t worry. Help is on the way for businesses ready to file their annual reports.
In a new partnership with local government agencies, WV Secretary of State Mac Warner is announcing that a member of his Field Services Team will be available to the public on Tuesday, March 5th, to assist Mingo County residents. Field Representative Lee Dean will set up a mobile office at Williamson City Hall, located at 107 4th Avenue in Williamson. Dean will be available to the public from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. No appointment is necessary.
The purpose of the mobile office services is to assist citizens with filing annual reports and any questions they may have. Field Representatives can also help citizens with online voter registration.
West Virginia Secretary of State’s Office Field Representative Lee Dean explains,
“Businesses must file their annual report by July 1st every year at a cost of $25.00. If the business goes past the July 1st deadline, the cost increases to $50.00. If the report isn’t filed during the calendar year, they run the risk of having their business license revoked.”
According to Dean, this is also a chance for businesses to update information and list any change of officers.
“Our professional Field Team will help make it as easy as possible for the state’s business owners and entrepreneurs to stay in compliance,” Secretary of State Mac Warner said. “Our Field Reps are highly trained individuals and can assist citizens with just about any issue dealing with the state’s Business & Licensing Division.”
Warner reminds citizens that they can also access assistance for annual reports by going online at or by calling (304) 558-8000.