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Young Entrepreneur's Day 2021

Young Entrepreneur’s Day returns on Saturday, November 6th beginning at 10:00am at the Williamson Field House! The Tug Valley Chamber of Commerce hosted their first YED in 2020 and it was a great success. This year, the TVCC has again partnered with Healthy in the Hills and Williamson Parks and Recreation to encourage aspiring small business owners to operate their own business for the day!

“Last year, we had a great turnout for Young Entrepreneurs Day. We had a variety of businesses set up for the day offering everything from artwork, to smoothies, to handcrafted furniture type items. We’re looking forward to seeing what our participants offer this year,” says Chris Dotson, President of the Tug Valley Chamber of Commerce.

There will be 3 age categories: 8-11, 12-15, and 16-18. All businesses must feature handmade/handcrafted products to encourage participants to be creative. Organizers also encourage those participating to get creative and hands-on when advertising their businesses.

Participation is free, and businesses keep all of their earnings! Participants will need to bring their own tables for setup. Those interested in participating must complete a registration application by October 22. You’ll find the link at the end of this article.

Young entrepreneurs will also be paired with a TVCC member for business coaching before the event. The business coach will talk with the participant about marketing, advertising, display ideas, pricing, and other topics related to running a business for a day.

How can you help? Throw some support to these young entrepreneurs! Tug Valley Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Randall Sanger says, “We need our community to come out and support these kids, encourage them and buy their products. One of the biggest strengths of the Tug Valley region is our love for community and we need to show that in a big way by always supporting our youth's endeavors. I hope they have fun, learn a lot, sell a lot and realize how vital they are to our area.”

If you’re ready to register, here’s the link for the participation application. You’ll find additional information on the Young Entrepreneur's Day Facebook event page.


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